What is Automated Mechanical CPR Machine?
The AutoPulse is an automated, portable, battery-powered cardiopulmonary resuscitation device created by
Rationale for the use of Mechanical CPR
Usually CPR is done by trained health care professionals. In many situations like emergency room and ambulances machanical CPR machine might be very usefull for long CPR.

Indication for mechanical CPR
- CPR by
rescue team in Ambulances - Cardiac arrest in
Emergency roomwich is more than 10 minutes - Prolonged CPR during cardiac arrest
Types of CPR Machine:

Contraindications to use of the AutoPulse
- Traumatic Arrest
- Age <18
- Patients weighing more than 130kg
- Cardiac Arrest is considered a terminal event by the clinician
- No Trained Staff Members present at the Cardiac Arrest
- Known Advanced Care Directive that indicates no CPR in the event of Cardiac Arrest
Relative Contraindications
- End Tidal CO2 consistently <10
- >30mins Cardiac Arrest with Asystole
- Pregnancy and Cardiac Arrest
- Adult Patients weighing less than 45kg
- Staff Unfamiliarity
How to use Mechanical CPR machine